Can't add or change payment info

How to change your payment info
  1. Go to and sign in. Can't sign in?
  2. Choose Edit Payment Method.
    If you don't have an Edit Payment Method button, take note of who your subscription is billed through and find them on the Change payment method page.
  3. Add your payment info and choose Save Changes. If you get an error or can't save your changes, see the next section.
  4. Your bank may require you to verify your identity with 3D-Secure before authorizing the transaction. If you have trouble with 3D-Secure, please contact your bank.

Your updated payment info will be used for your next subscription charge.

Payment error or can't save changes

If your subscription is billed through us (HBO Nordic AB) and you're getting an error or can't save your payment info, here are some things to know:

Your payment method must...

  • Support international purchases
  • Be issued in the region where you started your subscription
  • Support recurring online payments (some prepaid cards do not support recurring payments)
  • Be one of these: Visa, MasterCard, or PayPal

If this info doesn't help, here are some things to try:

Verify your payment information

First, make sure what you're submitting matches what's on your card:

  • Name, Card Number, Expiration Date, and Security Code (use the 'How to change your payment' steps above).

More things to try

Troubleshoot your browser
  1. Try using a different supported browser: Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge, or Safari.
  2. Try using an incognito or private browser window. Here's how:
    • Open a new incognito or private window, then sign in at Choose Edit Payment Method. Enter your payment information and choose Save Changes.
  3. Try using a computer instead of your phone or vice versa.
Use another payment method

Try using a different payment method. You can use any of the following: Visa, MasterCard, and Paypal.

Contact your bank

Your bank may require you to verify your identity with 3D-Secure before authorizing the transaction. Contact your bank or financial institution to find out why the payment method might be failing.

If you've contacted your bank and tried the above troubleshooting, please contact us for help.