Can I get a refund?

Refunds policies vary by billing provider. Your billing provider is who you pay for your HBO Max subscription.

First, find out who your subscription is billed through:

  1. Open HBO Max or sign in to on your computer. Can't sign in?
  2. Do one of the following:
    • Phone or tablet: Tap your profile (upper right), the Settings icon (cog, upper right), and then tap or scroll to Subscription.
    • TV device: Choose the Settings icon (cog, lower left) and then choose Account.
    • Computer: Choose your profile (upper right), then choose Settings, and find Subscription.
      Subscription info is only available with Adult profiles.
  3. Here you can see who your subscription is billed through:
    • HBO Europe, s.r.o. or HBO Nordic AB: Unless required by applicable law, there is a no refund policy for monthly subscriptions. If you see an unexpected charge or have any billing concerns, please contact us for help.
      If you wish to cancel your yearly subscription after an auto-renewal, immediately end access to HBO Max and get a refund, please contact us. If you have not used HBO Max after the most recent yearly renewal date, you may be entitled to a partial refund based on the number of days left in your then current yearly billing period.
    • Apple iTunes or App Store: See Apple's Request a refund page.
    • Google Play: See Google's Refunds on Google Play page.
    • Samsung: Contact us with regard to any refund requests.
    • Another provider: Contact your billing provider with regard to any refund requests for charges.

What if the charge isn't what I expected?

If your charge looks different than you expected, here are a few possible reasons:

  • Applicable taxes are added to your subscription charge and they're based on your current location.
  • You may have a different billing period than you thought (yearly or monthly).
  • Your promotional or discounted period may have ended and you were charged the standard subscription rate.

If none of these reasons apply and you're billed through us (HBO Europe, s.r.o.HBO Nordic AB), please contact us for help (instead of your payment service). If you're billed through another company, contact them for help.

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